"TEXT 1"="Allow changes in "File Types" tab (Current User)"
"TEXT 2"="Allow changes in "File Types" tab (All Users)"
"DESCRIPTION 1"="This settings controls the ability of the Tools -> Folder Options -> "File Types" tab inside Explorer. This tab is used to control which files are opened with which applications."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="The first option (if deactivated) does not allow changes inside "File Types" for the currently logged on user."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="The second option (if deactivated) does not allow changes inside "File Types" for ANY user logged on this PC."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="found at Win2000mag.com - David Chernicoff, david@win2000mag.com"